2021. Let's get it started!

A super awesome Sunday in London and here I was sitting in my balcony sipping my coffee enjoying this winter’s very first snowfall this morning. It’s been 4 months since I started my job and moved to this city.

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Is it possible to live 100% in a linux shell??

Yay! The answer is “Yes”


Here, I would to share a little one day story of Bryan Lunduke, who is a writer and works as the Social Media Marketing Manager of SUSE. He once took a challenge to use nothing but a Linux terminal for 30 days. First Day experience , Here is what he wrote about his Day 1:

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Learning is an act of acquiring existing knowledge, skills and values. How much a person can learn in his/her life?… Well, the answer to this question can never have an appropriate integral value. We learn daily, at every step of our life we learn new things and it is not necessary that we learn from people who are more talented or aged than us. We learn from our juniors, kids, nature, friends, society etc. I sometimes feel that whatever I have learned till now is not even countable. I’m at present a student going to be in the 2nd year of engineering college, obviously I must have learned a lot of things until now so that I have reached where I am. Yeah, that’s true but human mind is such that it makes us believe that you are still far behind from others in this growing world, you are really lacking in almost everything, haha such a de-motivating fact it is. So, rather than thinking over such issues, if we become happy with what we have and what we have earned so far and KEEP ON LEARNING continuously, how much our life would be affected then. :)

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