2021. Let's get it started!

A super awesome Sunday in London and here I was sitting in my balcony sipping my coffee enjoying this winter’s very first snowfall this morning. It’s been 4 months since I started my job and moved to this city.

And now it’s almost 5 in the evening and I am reading a book called - Who will cry when you die - Robin Sharma. So far so good. One of my friends recommended it to me. Very nicely written and finest peices of words used in the book. I am not even halfway there reading it. The perfect thing I am liking about this book are short lessons of life comprised in form of chapters, 101 beautiful chapters which are actually very important to understand to live a quality life. I will try to write short learnings or name of chapters from the book while I continue reading it along the way.

  • Learn from a good movie
  • bless your money whenever you send it out
  • Focus on the worthy - concentrate on the fundamentals - the person who chases two rabbits catches neither.
  • Carry a book with you always - helps while queuing in long lines and travelling ;)
  • Sleep restfully and wake up early (this has been my dream since childhood :( )

Written on January 24, 2020